Venting, feel free to join

Plenty of them. I hate Manus the most, mainly because there are legitimate technical problems with the bossfight itself. The difference between it and say, the Centipede Demon, is that the issues with the boss' AI and hitboxes don't 1-shot you when they decide to fuck themselves up and bullshit you. Despite that you can block almost all of his attacks, and dodge a good portion of them reliably, there's still too much luck involved with Manus, so I'm not a fan. Design-wise, he's alright, but the Cleric Beast revealed in the Bloodborne Alpha looks to be a new and infintely improved version of him. The combo-frenzy-spam makes a lot more sense in a game like Bloodborne.

Nito I think is a little lacking as a fight, and his arena is uninteresting to me, but he manages to hold up because his lore and design are so unique even within the world of Dark Souls. I wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I wouldn't say I don't like him. Seath, on the other hand, is just plain boring. I don't mind the scripted-death room at all, but the actual bossfight is so dull I've grown to dread that part of the game. Duke's is such a cool area, but getting through it is unbelievably tedious for me, and while the Crystal Caves are beautiful to look at, as a level they are gimmicky as fuck. I don't even mind the invisible walkways, despite that they're pretty much ripped right from the pages of "RPG Design for Dummies", it's just the way the caves in general are laid out.

I love the Painted World, but I hate all the enemies there, and I think Priscilla is far too easy. I really don't like Anor Londo, but mostly because I think it's overrated, and O&S are one of my favourite fights in the game. The Catacombs/TotG aren't bad per say, they were just really annoying before I learned how to speedrun them.

So basically, there are loads of places, bosses, and enemies in Dark Souls that I hate, but the ones that I do I usually hate for weird reasons. Which is fitting, because the ones that I favour are usually among my favourites for weird reasons.

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