Very depressed. Anybody there?

Sounds shitty, Seth. Rents are decently cheap in and around Eureka, so you ought to be able to find something whichever way about it. Let me know if you need help with that.

I crashed my motorcycle a little over a week ago, then a couple days later my dad told a police officer that I was suicidal when I wasn't. Ended up resulting in a $1200 week-long vacation in a horrible mental hospital while recovering from the motorcycle crash and being surrounded by nurses who are pretty much pointless and constantly delegating all tasks to an infinite no-one. Kind of like what most people do when they hear someone's depressed. It's always someone else's job. Even people whose job it is to deal with depressed people. To me, that's depressing.

I didn't have the chance to tell my boss before I was forced to go there, so my boss was thinking it's time to fire me. Had to explain my way out of getting fired earlier today. Meanwhile, my dad's been pressuring me to move out, threatening to tow my car, and just being kind of shitty. My mom has always lived in a delusional dream world where everyone's doing great while that's often been very far from the truth.

I was banned from a mental health support group recently because the leader of the group had the hots for a girl who liked me better. Turns out mental health professionals are just as human as all the rest of us assholes.

My grandma was in a car accident last night. She's pretty old and it's not looking good.

I'm living with my parents in the city where I grew up, and I hate this city. Livermore, California. It's pretty much just boxpeople living boxlife. A fancy little suburb where my neighbors fight with me over parking places and call the cops when they see a homeless person.

I used to meet girls on online dating sites, but these days I look around and see girls screaming demands and shaming the guys around them in exactly the same ways all the other girls are doing too. Even the chubby girls are doing that now. It sucks and I don't know how to find anything but these horrible girls I don't want to be around. I can talk with people for advice and they all say the same things. Plenty of fish in the sea. Not all girls are like that. Around here: Most are. One of the plentiful reasons why I need to get out of this city.

In plenty of directions that I look, I see things I wish I could change but it's either very difficult or impossible.

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