very sad first year

While I understand your frustration... maybe I can give you a little perspective... I don't know... but i work in one of the local hospitals... there are a lot of really sad things I have seen so far since I started work... it is still a new job... seeing people in rooms with about twenty tubes sticking out of them... looking white as a ghost and unable to breathe... seeing nurses scramble to get loved ones on Facetime because that was the only time of the day these critically ill patients were allowed to actually see their families... seeing all the health care providers and administrators exhausted beyond belief. Yesterday I saw a corpse... fully covered up of course... being taken down to the morgue...

Now I am a middle aged woman and I remember when I had to drop out of graduate school for health reasons... It did feel like the absolute end of the world... one thing I have learned is that we make up these impossible time tables for all of our achievements. The friends you make now may last a lifetime... I know some of mine have from college and I graduated thirty years ago. Find your passion and pursue it. If you don't know what that is... volunteer and try to be of service to other people that are homeless, jobless or just plain depressed. A lot of people are hurting right now. When I finally saw a visitor up on one of the wards... a wife of a critically ill gentleman... because they didn't allow them for three months... I was talking to her saying how nice it was to have visitors. She said, "It is a one and done visit." I knew what she meant and it was incredibly heartbreaking.

Please, just take care of yourself so you can come back... life is so precious...

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