Very strange friendship going on, don't know what to do.

bro, aside from the formatting which makes it hard to read, this is a great post about "how to fuck up a relationship" and believe me, I have done this several times and every time was different! I am still friends with a couple of them although I rarely see or speak to them

Is it actually possible to balance a "jerry and elaine" friends with benefits situation? Will this make my life better or worse?

IDK, that's difficult to say, but yes it's possible, and who knows how it will make your life!

IMO This girl sounds pretty cool and seems to have learned a lot from this experience, (something many women do not do) in fact you both have and with this in mind plus the fact you both were and still are pretty close, IMO I'd say "go for it" ... just be thoughtful, both of you!

We all "live and learn", some more than others, but from what you've said, I think you both have learned a lot from this experience, and considering what you've learned about I commend you both.

There are exceptions to all things RP and you seem to have found one. They are few, and far between but they do exist.

I have both seen them and been with them, BUT things change and what's wonderful today might not be so tomorrow, just keep this in mind.

It's early days again and once again "things might no go to plan", and you should discuss this possibility

However, and here's where the RP ideology of AWALT works, for no matter how much this girl is unique to you, that's only for you ,, I doubt any other guy would be able to establish the type of relationship you guys have and so in this respect, were you not there, she probably would behave like most of her female peers aka AWALT.

This post is a great example of how women can be different, thanks for taking the trouble to share it OP

If you are both able to be thoughtful and mature humans beings then there's a very good chance this could turn out well

Especially as she's had time to go out and 'compare' this situation/you with others over the past 2yrs and if she's returned it's because you are 'special' to her.

If you are happy with the 'reasons why' you are 'special' then go for it, what have you got to lose?

All the best bro, Please report back and let us know how things go.

/r/asktrp Thread