Voices: Same sex marriage is not a human right

I sort of agree with this.

I'm all for legitimizing the civil union for LGBT folks, but I don't believe it should have the same benefits of a hetero couple. For example, applying for HDB: this is supposed to be a support mechanism for couples to start a family, and while gay folks can adopt and make a family, it's far less likely than a couple conceiving. Also, tax benefits for the couple, which were done with the intent of easing the burden of parents. Once again, gay folks can be parents, but it's far less likely that they will, or want to.

Now, if one person were to move somewhere for work, the partner ought to be able to move in with them as a recognized part of a civil union, and this should be legalized everywhere. I do not think Singapore recognizes a same-sex civil union for those coming in to live and settle here, which is sad. They should not be denied, should not be persecuted, and they should have a free and fair shot at living and loving who they want. But legalizing gay marriage, with all the perks and benefits of a hetero marriage? I do not think that is necessary.

/r/singapore Thread Link - m.todayonline.com