You wake up to an Emergency Alert System Announcement: "Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound to (your location)." What do you do?

2000 and 500 warhead scenario map

In this scenario those large black blobs are our own ICBM fields getting saturated to attempt to knock them out. I cant find many "good" hypothetical fallout scenarios. But here are a few.

[](Heres one that follows the 2000 warhead map roughly)

[](This one doesn't seem to account for the silo fields getting utterly pasted)

The long and short of it though is that anyone east of the Mississippi can basically kiss their ass goodbye.

This is of course old cold war total exchange with the russians stuff. Single warhead or a handfull from somewhere like north korea, well, you have to hope for many things, like is the car still working or did its electronics get fried by emp? Can you get out of the fallout cloud, what if winds shift, where are you going to get clean ground water, how do you get food, how do you keep that food.. ect ect ect.

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