The Walk

The problem is the app changes directions after a few episodes. Early on it's reasonable to listen to an entire episode on "a walk," but the later episodes are way too long for normal people-with-lives walks, so there's a ton of dead air in between the same amount of actual audio stretched out over 2+ hour episodes of "walking." Apparently they switched horses midstream and changed their design philosophy from "go walk while listening to an episode" to "just use it as an all-day pedometer and listen to the clips at the end of the day." Unfortunately, they also didn't change the way you're expected to click landmarks if you want to get all the auxillary audio clips, leaving the later episodes in a weird "really not designed for any use-case" situation. It's also extremely buggy.

The story was enjoyable. Unfortunately there's nothing good I can say for the app technically. If you're willing to deal with probably having to reinstall a time or two, occasionally getting to the end of the day and seeing it didn't record any of your activity that day, losing your achievements, and generally being frustrating in exchange for a fun story, go for it. Just know what you're getting into.

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