Wallonia 'completely opposed' to EU trade deal with South American bloc

Honestly I'm shocked at how many people see opposition to this free trade deal as a negative. If we really do want to fight climate change one of the most important things is to eat as locally as possible.


The agreement would cut tariffs on Mercosur agricultural goods, notably beef and poultry

Europe categorically has the ability to grow enough meat (and other agricultural protects) to sustain intself. Importing them to Brazil would have a negative impact on the enviroment:

1) Reports by National Geographic and show that the rainforest, a crucial part of the global ecosystem is being destroyed in order to expand Brazilian cattle ranching. Furthermore, cattle is being grown in protect areas.

2) Shipping cattle and chicken from Brazil when it can be grown in Europe is extremely enviromentally damaging considering how many ships are needed to transport thousands of cattle.


If we really do care about the enviroment, we should not be encouraging the purchashing of food from thousands of KM away that requires the destruction of one of the world's most important ecosystem when we grow it all locally.

/r/europe Thread Link - brusselstimes.com