You wanna know the reason I hate some people on the subreddit?

Jesus fuck. The reason I said I didn't watch the whole thing was so that this shit wouldn't happen. I've wasted enough of my life watching these stupid videos on gender politics. But fine I'll spend 20 minutes of my day watching it, and go through it point by point, in the hope that maybe you will listen to me and we can have a reasoned discussion about it.


He brings up a comment made by the developers of DOA. The comment is a confession that the reason DOA didn't come to the west is because of pressure on sexism in video games.

He then explains what this means and, and decides to paraphrase the moderators comment as: "The west is currently pathologically obsessed with politics." Not sure why he felt the need to add that word into the mix from nowhere, but ok.

I will be watching the rest of the video, but I assume he is trying to say that this is censorship of some kind. For one, I'm not sure Japan is the place we want to get out culture lessons from. Two, this is the free market. There are people who think that games should be held up to a certain standard for women, and they openly criticise games that don't in order to pressure video game companies into giving them better representation. The DOA publishers decided they didn't want to deal with the PR mess, so didn't bring it to the west. That's not feminists going out of their way to censor games.

Anyway, I'll watch on to see if I'm right.


Jim Sterling quote.

I can't believe that he is really continuing to say that Japanese culture is "perfectly reasonable" and that feminists are trying to dismantle it. He doesn't know what Japanese culture is like.

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