Wasting Food

I usually think about my meals in advance, especially if it’s a study week! But mostly I understood what foods are the best for me, in what amount do I need to eat them to be full and have a variety, overall I think it all comes with! When I’ve just started CICO a loong time ago (this is how I basically eat now on a daily basis even though I don’t really need to loose weight) and I always had the biggest urge to buy everything I see which is healthy and tasty to me, so I had the same problem as you, but after some time you just understand which foods are your to go foods and which ones you want if you want to experiment or something like that:)

I guess meal planning can help with that, because it certainly has helped me!

And save those avocados by making a guacamole haha! And some merengue with egg whites!

/r/CICO Thread