Watch Parker Posie and the facist rally tank in Hobart yesterday (youtube)

I'm sorry, I must confess my view of people actively supporting it comes from where I tend to hang out online. There's a lot of misinformation around the encouragement of changing genders in these online echo chambers and all I've been exposed to is almost like a planned opposition that wildly encourages changes in gender, so I suppose you could understand my concern.. I do believe you when you say most people don't support it as it'd be the logical thing to not encourage these changes.

As I said to somebody else quoting the similar studies, it makes perfect sense for someone with gender dysmorphia to feel a lot better when they change their self perceived gender, that still doesn't change the fact that people who deal with this dysmorphia in the first place are still on average plagued by more mental health issues than people who don't have gender dysmorphia.

For sure, I totally agree with you, I think anyone who has gone through this would say to expect a difficult time, I think uneducated people who support whatever movement is most popular at the time are just as bad as the ones who are radically anti-trans and perpetually speak out against them without taking a good look at the entire picture are just as ignorant, almost like a skeptic who believes nothing is just as bad as a dogmatic believer who believes everything is true.

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