WayV's comeback and live performances were underwhelming, and the fansigns are even worse.

the video calls are something that many groups are doing right now, like seventeen. i'm not sure why that's relevant to wayv's performance skill.

wayv debuted barely over a year ago. i'm not sure why they would be expected to be incredibly solid after such a short amount of time. one member, or even a few members, can't and shouldn't carry the whole performance. and prior performance experience doesn't make much of a difference once you've changed your performance setting and content and positions. their live performances will improve. china doesn't have music shows, so how would they have gotten experience performing live? they're still technically a rookie group, even if half of the members are already established. you've let your expectations run too wild.

the entire album was good. i don't know how you can stan them and feel comfortable bashing every single song. they've worked hard. brainwash yourself to like their music like the rest of us did with punch.

you sound like an anti. maybe this should've stayed in your thoughts.

/r/unpopularkpopopinions Thread