Favorite areas in the series (so far)

XC1 has so many standout locations that I love ranging from the Fallen Arm, to Makna Forest, Valak Mountain, and Colony 6. However, I’d say the Bionis’s Shoulder had to be my favorite as it’s so open and contains so many different biomes and POIs to explore.

As for XC2, I’d say that my favorite location is Morytha and then Tantal. The Morytha twist and the fact that the fantasy world of XC2 actually takes place in a dystopian future of our world was one of my craziest shock moments in gaming that left me still thinking about it weeks after, easily putting Morytha on top as my favorite location due to its atmosphere and sheer shock factor. That being said though, Tantal comes in a close second as its music and city are spectacular and one of my favorite locations in the Xenoblade series.

/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles Thread