Weekly Discussion- August 29, 2022

I actually don’t have an issue with Moses. (kill me now) - He needs to be in the US as a married person for a length of time. He found Trisha to be malleable and desperate. An anchor baby is a very good thing if you’re wanting to become a citizen.

MOST IMPORTANT: Moses has a beautiful family and he values the way he was raised. I would TEN THOUSAND TIMES OVER hitch up with someone like Trisha if I were Moses. He invested in California real estate and he’s already made a cool million in equity on his purchase.

He will be a very good dad. His mom is close by and even if the Klein’s aren’t involved, this baby will be loved and protected by Moses’ mother until the dust settles. Eventually, Hila and Ethan will meet their niece. And Trisha will be long gone.

She will not last six months with this baby. She is narcissistic, sociopathic and selfish beyond belief. Hoping she gives her to her father to raise.

/r/Trishyland Thread