Weekly Mental Health Support & Discussion Thread

We are in same situation as your's, except I am wife who quitted job long time ago to attend family needs. Lurking here for a last 2 weeks.. Husband has been given a date for his last day at work. I could feel his nerves , though he looks norm. I am optimistic though. I just tell him that we will find something, that necessity will give some new ideas): Honestly, my mind is blank.

Son is senior and applying for Ivy on top of it. And my daughter is in 10th grade. Puja is definitely a hobby for NRI's. I laughed at it. I am agnostic , so yes, no religious hobbies for us too. As you are working since 22, think of it as a break from routine. Enjoy the savings for a while):

If this is not too much to ask, you probably would have invested . Do you have any dividend income? No need to answer.I just like investing. I like to know other's investing strategies

Good luck to you guys. Stay calm and breath and know that this is a passing cloud.

/r/india Thread Parent