Weekly Questions Mega-Thread #36 (3/2/15)

9 on the Nostalgic, 5 on the Camo. I'll have to reroll the Camo at some point, but that can wait until I Camo up future armor pieces.

9 on Nostalgic

9 on Nostalgic

Pssh, I'm pretty jealous. For now, I guess I'll just pray that the gloves and boots will have nice rolls. The gloves will be the easy part though, but I'm just really worried about the shoes since they start with 12 durability rather than like 30, and I'm sure that if I ever resel enchanted + reforged Bohemian gloves if the Solo enchant dream ever happens, nobody will care if the durability becomes something like 12 after all of the fails.

Also I suppose your opinion on Darkness losing will and that defense is fair actually. Maybe I'm still just all tied up with the old mabi and haven't moved on from the past, but defense pretty much never mattered at all. I can't say I've ever seen high defensive stats matter much back then and even now though, but I think maybe I just should keep an open mind to it all or something. Back then, windmill actually took 10% of your max hp and continued to take you further down into deadly so I guess that was one reason why defense never mattered at all back then. Oh, speaking of that, I guess that was also another reason for why Crash Shot's power creep for range was such a significant matter ovreall since Windmill and Crash Shot were pretty much the only AoE skills that were viable. Plus, I guess Mana Shield being absurdly broken helped much more than any amount of building defense could ever hope to achieve.

I suppose it's a lot better to just get Camo for something as expensive as Chaser armor especially since it would be extremely expensive to enchant anything thelse that isn't Camo.

Also, is there a reason why you're not exactly considering Innocent instaed of Ancient? I know that Ancient these days is by far a lot more available than Innocent (even after all of this MA, we've gotten multiple succubus suits and no Innocent enchants), but wouldn't Innocent be a lot less disaster prone than Ancient? Plus you also avoid the low rolls since it's always 10 max and 9 crit. Does Ancient's luck really matter that much?

/r/Mabinogi Thread