Well I could support ISIS if I wanted! Yeah! Take that preorderers!

I am telling you you're wrong, and by defending Fallout 4 you've done nothing but prove to me you're a dumbass that's more than willing to let Big Daddy Bethesda pound your ass for more money while you beg, more, more, give it to me, more. It's people like you that sit idly by while companies continually downgrade and downgrade without ever making things cheaper and then one day, we're all wondering who was crazy enough to try to remove a headphone jack from a phone. They continue to cheapen their products and fuck the consumer over, but it's okay, because I like being fucked, it feels really good. It's alright, I heard Elder Scrolls 6 is going to just be one long cutscene, but it'll still get praised as one of the best RPG's of the year. You people fucking disgust me. And then you tell me you just preordered NMS? Wow. I literally cannot believe what I am reading. Do people like you still exist? I guess unfortunately so. I do not know who you are or why you did what you did, but know it was nothing short of an absolutely horrific act. It speaks volumes to your character and what kind of person you are. You see, preorders, are like the cancer of the gaming world. It's a virus that claws to everything it can get its hands on, and the virus is spreading. More and more game developers, even relatively good ones are going down this dark road. For a quick buck and a quick fuck in the customers ass, these monsters of game developers will go to whatever lengths needed to have people blindly buy a book by the cover. All for that cash. This, tragically, whole practice serves the purpose of turning more and more promising looking games into hypefests which always end with the customer throwing the game in the trash. We saw this with No Man Sky, but people like you just will not learn huh? Just know this, when you go to bed: you are what is wrong with the world. You are everything that great gaming studios like Obsidian and CDPR are working against: you, you are the virus. You are the reason we have to live in a sea of shitty titles with only but a handful of gems. It didn't have to be this way you know. We could have, a lot of good game developers. But people like you see to it, that every single fucking day we are backstabbed by these scam artists. Next time you feel the premature the need to preorder, think, like a human being, of your dignity. Use whatever little IQ that you have. Think, for the love of god, what you are doing by making that mouse click. You are ruining everything we have achieved so far as a community of gamers. I know it feels good to you, getting railed time in and time out again by big dog EA, but know this: it does not feel good to the rest of us gamers. Fuck you and what you did with a burning pineapple. Just know that if you ever, EVER do something like this again your comments won't stand at a mere -55 points but it will quickly escalate into the negative hundreds and thousands until your score is so low that no one will ever care what you say. I am not trying to threaten you or anything but I just think you should know. So no. Not this time. You shall not prevail anymore. This is a war now. This is your third and absolutely last warning. Cease all brigading activity immediately. We have started internet operations against your little sad sub now. You were given warning after warning but chose to not heed these warnings. The harrassment stops here. Your future is in our hands now. No more blind Sean Murray praise, no more Bethesda apologism, no more attacking of pc gamers and no more denying objectivity. You know what? Even before you were given your warnings, The Witcher 3 was a perfect 10. While you were given your warnings, The Witcher 3 was a perfect ten. With this, your last and absolutely final warning the war starts. And yes, you guessed it, The Witcher 3 still stands at a perfect 10 by all reviews internet-wide as of this date. Nothing changed, you had no impact, no one payed any attention to your desperate little cries of attention. Why you ask? Why was this a futile attempt even from the start you ask? Because you cannot debate facts and objectivity. There are millions of true gamers this very second who are prepared to do what it takes to ensure the real gems of the gaming world aren't put to shame. Gamers, that will always, ALWAYS slam game developers from releasing crap. What you are doing is heresy. You are walking up to the Mona Lisa, spitting on it and laughing and calling yourself a comedian. I do not know where you have learned this humor. But it is not funny. It is a disgrace. You will know that by the end of this you will look like mere tools. Gamers, or so you thought you were, you are closer to programmable sheep, that were deceived by the big scam artists in the gaming industry, yes, that is right, you were programmed to buy their every game without ever giving a single thought to what you are buying. You stood there, time in and time out again, gladly swallowing whatever Todd Howard or Sean Murray was offering. And you loved it. It tasted so good, it looked so yummy. How could you not? True gamers see the sheep for what it is. But the sad fact was that you loved this to such an extent that you decided to hate on people who weren't as stupid as you. You took your little hate train and made a stop at some subs. You got some laughs here and there, sure, I can admit that. At times, even /r/gaming seemed to agree with you. After all giving the 5 year old a polite laugh was the right thing to do. You did not know what you were doing or what role you were playing. You were but a mere tool in a chain of humor. But your little piece of shit sorry excuse for a subreddit was starting to crumble at the sides. You were getting too edg and groupings, creating a MOTHERFUCKING THUNDERFUCK OF A HAILSTORM OF DOWNVOTES ON YOUR LITTLE CIRCLESHIT SHOULD YOU EVER DECIDE TO BRIGADE AGAIN. Third warning and the absolute last. They targeted gamers. Gamers. W any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers Fallout 4, but unfortunately, even the graphics in TW3 are superior. I guess it just goes to show what studio worked the hardest. In all honesty, I am so, so tired of you people.. Your brigade is the worst Reddit has ever seen.. I've said it before and I'll say it again: leave gamers alone.. Right now, lay down your shitty attitude, and let the truth live freely.. We have started to monitor your brigades now you know.. There are even people from 4chan involved, especially after the brigade you did on /r/witcher.. Stop defending lies.. Stop sucking up Todd Howards every last word.. Stop buying GAMES THAT AREN*T WORTH THEIR FULL PRICE.. STOP, FOR FUCKS SAKE, FINDING EXCUSES FOR EVERY SHITTY GAME.. STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT.. YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE GAMING WORLD.. Did you ever think brigading was just a game? Did you ever, for a second, think you could simply harass innocent PC gamers, only for making the smarter choices in life than console gamers? You guys aren't real. You are not what we gamers feel in our hearts, when we go up in the morning and look us in the mirror and think, "today, I am a gamer, because I love to game". You are not us, you never will be. NEVER HAS THERE EVER BEEN a more important point to stand up for: our one true identity. We come form, Ataris, Amigas, from back in the days. When games were true life altering experiences, they changed lives. TOO FEW GAMES DOES THAT NOW. And when there is one game, that still does that, you frantically attack that group? Why do you decide to lie to yourself and hate on The Witcher 3? It is everything that is right with the gaming community. You, are, what is wrong. You, console gamers, Bethesda, EA and the whole bunch. But it is okay. We gamers don't need you. We do not need to feel your existence. We soar, far above, we glide on with the help of our supermachines. For we can not only game, we can do EVERYTHING WITH OUR COMPUTERS. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMEONE HACKING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ON A CONSOLE? No. Have You Ever Seen someone buy everything they need on their console? No, BECAUSE YOU CANT. With a PC you can do everything. And We Do Everything. circulatory systems? Do they feel pain? Or fear?" "Your dragons are giant meat-sponges which have a fancy damage spew?" I say to skyrim. "Well, ours are actually rather weak, being mere creatures of flesh and scale, but their fire burns hotter than any other! Bring a shield to vanquish this foe!" I explain. "Oh? Modern Shooter 34: War hasn't changed 2 is out? And only 120+ dollars for the full game? (Australian dollars...)" "Bah! Pathetic! Paying extra to get bits of the game they ripped out! Disgusting barbaric practices! And how dare they be so commonplace nowadays!" "But DF...I will always have you...ToadyOne has been baking you in the oven for years, and you're only getting bigger and stronger" "And you're free...Oh I really should donate some day..." Forever I cannot see games like I used to... But then came The Witcher 3... And I'm glad.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread Link - np.reddit.com