TIL unlike the United States, Germany does not recognize Scientology as a religion, but as "an abusive business masquerading as a religion."

ugh... so, I see where you are going. You are drawing me into a corner of semantics. Is it "the country was founded on a belief system therefore it is one"? Forget the fact that the belief system framed the laws but has nothing to do with anything else like borders, citizenship, pretty much anything else. Whereas a religion is a belief system. That is it. Two totally different things. But keep up your acrobats of insults. I'm sure you will prove your point by using all of the synonyms of "stupid" that you found in your thesaurus.

Have you ever heard of the wars between Christians and Muslims? Muslims and Hindus? Jews and Muslims?

I have. And how many were because of religion and how many were because of political positioning that used religion as a catalyst? Or do you prefer to side-step forever with snark?

But, say it's not snark. It doesn't make you any less of a hypocrite. Is that the part that is chapping your ass the most? To know how much of a hypocrite you are and to be called out on it?

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org