
While I understand that it is hypothetically possible for someone who claims to be pro-life to actually care about children… in my experience with these people, they often cease to give a shit about the child as soon as the pregnancy stops being a “punishment” for being such a “godless WHORE!”

Things “pro-life” people OPPOSE: • child day care • child health care • child food programs

“There have to be consequences to sex, you can’t just enjoy sex, you GODLESS WHORE!”

The nurses subreddits are full of stories of viciously cruel anti-choice women who will nonetheless get an abortion themselves, while insulting the doctors. When asked how they justify this, their response is always “MY abortion is justified! I’m not a GODLESS WHORE.”

You’re not gonna make any headway with me, trying to convince me the anti-choice misogynists really care about anyone but themselves.

Try elsewhere.

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