What do you know about cock worship? [M/F]

This is the kind of question I have wet dreams about being asked.

But asked it I was. I gave a flip answer – “I know that you don’t worship mine enough.” And then I drew out my questioner. She followed with several more questions:

“Does paying for someone to worship your cock take away from the experience? What do you love about it/get from it (other than the pleasurable feelings)? [What d]o you think cock worshipers get from it? I mean… plenty of girls like to suck cock, but what more does a cock worshiper get off on? You’ve been with a LOT of women. I can’t believe you haven’t come across more of them. Do you think it’s a rare kink?”

In order:

Yes, paying for someone to worship my cock takes away from, even nullifies the experience. Worship is, by definition, voluntary, even compelled. If you truly worship my cock, you would pay me to have access to it, not the other way around.

What do I love about it? So much. Obviously, there are the pleasurable feelings. But they’re just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, on the one hand, who wouldn’t love sustained, loving attention to one’s cock, to the part of one’s body most wired for the receipt of pleasure? But on the other hand, the bulk of my sexual pleasure and enjoyment happens not in my cock, but in my head: in the land where desire for me is registered. The greatest blowjob, the funnest fuck, pales in comparison to the jolt I receive simply from knowing that you want me – and not just me, but my cock.

How is it – why is it – that desire for my cock is such a powerful aphrodisiac for me? I understand the hydraulics of my reaction to desire for me – my complete self, my desires, my physicality, my mind. I understand how and why that registers as a powerful affirmation and validation, and why that, in turn, morphs into an aphrodisiac. But why does it work so simply and effectively with respect to something as discrete as my cock? If I know that you want my cock, I will be hard for as long as you want it, as long as you worship it. And I’ll happily allow you do that for as long as you wish. And I’ll want you to do it longer. I promise.

What do I think cock worshipers get from it? I can’t know for sure, but I think the comments on this post, and what I wrote in this one, begin to hint at it. I think that when a person can put all their own desires to the side to focus on delivering pleasure to another, to consume another’s cock (or pussy), to take pleasure not just from the pleasure delivered, but from one’s own interaction with the genitals of another – as a toy – there is something almost transcendent going on. I imagine that when you’re worshiping my cock, the rest of the world recedes, and what remains is simply the psychological and physical, sensual experience of your mouth, eyes, hands, face, and my cock. You become an object for the provision of pleasure – you are doing rather than having done. And what you’re doing has the effect almost of erasing you from the scene: though present, though in fact participating, you are doing so in a simultaneously active (you’re working, doing) and passive (your own self is virtually invisible – you are reduced to the sum of just a few parts). For many of us, this sort of receding – into a purely physical existence, and one in which our own desires are irrelevant – is deeply peaceful, even blissful.

What more does a cock worshiper get? All of what I wrote above, but magnified. In vanilla sex, oral sex is often very much either a quid pro quo – you go down on me, I’ll go down on you – or prelude to a fuck. In cock worship, the cock, its satisfaction, is the sole point. There is nothing else to be done, no “payback,” no implicit or explicit expectations beyond pleasure for the cock (and its owner).

On the final question – is it a rare kink – I have no way of knowing for sure. I note that FetLife has a group devoted to it. The group has 2,862 members as I write this, and a quick glance suggests 10-20% of those describe themselves as female. In my own life? I’ve encountered exactly two women who were genuine cock worshipers, and each was a commercial relationship. (I believe they were cock worshipers in their unpaid sex lives as well, but with me, they were paid.) In short, yes, I think it’s relatively rare.

There’s another category, another way of being – cock slut. I have the sense that this is far less rare. There are multiple FetLife groups devoted to that principle. And my participation in the world of swinging and group sex has exposed me to far more women who seem to want to have done to them than who seem to want to do.

What do you think? Do you worship cock? Has yours been worshiped? Are you a cock slut? Have you been with one?

/r/eroticliterature Thread Link - mydissolutelife.com