what are the downsides of weed that people don't talk about ?

A downside I’ve experienced personally is pretty bad anxiety.

It happened to me personally mostly because I was new to it, and I didn’t know my limit, so I just smoked way too much. I thought about/dreamed really weird/absurd/scary things without even meaning to. For example, one night I went to asleep while super high, and I had a dream that I stuck a gun in my mouth and shot myself. That was about 3 years ago. Recently I decided to try it again a little bit, and I’ve taken it really slow, and it’s been a lot better. Although sometimes I still get paranoid that I’ll accidentally get way too high again like I have before even though I feel really conscious about the amount I’m smiling. And sometimes I worry that I might do something stupid and not remember. I usually get paranoid that I’ll send a stupid email to my boss or text my parents while high. It sounds ridiculous, but that’s just things that have happened/happen to me.

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