What are the little things that makes you appreciate life the most?

For me in particular? This is going to sound very strange/silly, but dark cloudy skies, kindness from strangers and being able to walk to my own mailbox.

I have a genetic disorder that causes a sun allergy- a severe one. It not only impacts my skin but also my vision too under bright conditions. I’ve lived like this since I was a little girl… I try to make the best of things and do pretty well overall, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t scary, frustrating, lonely and isolating sometimes.

One of my favorite things in the world is when pre-actual sundown the sky gets super dark storm clouds and the UV drops enough that I can go out during the day using only a little bit of UV gear. It means I can be a part of my young nieces and nephews’ adventures or join my a friend’s outdoor BBQ.

It also means I can take my dogs for a walk while people are around and not worry about the safety risk being a single woman in a unsafe area who has no other choice but to walk after dark. When I spend time outside like that, I never take for granted how amazingly normal it feels to feel free in that moment and appreciate so many beautiful things I usually miss in the dark.

Now onto walking to my mailbox during the day. This next part is probably silly sounding to most people, but one frequent frustrating feeling I deal with is when I get a parcel/package I’m excited about… but the UV is high so I physically can’t safely make the 30 foot walk to my own stupid mailbox. I have to wait however many hours until sundown to get it.

Now finally, onto the kindness. One day, a package wouldn’t fit in my mailbox so it was placed on my front porch almost in reach. I naturally immediately fashioned a broom/wire hanger tool to try to hook the package and pull it to me like what was probably the world’s stupidest-looking fishing trip.

I didn’t realize the mail lady was still there watching me going parcel fishing. She asked me if I needed help and I told her about my sun allergy. She grabbed the package and brought it to my door, then after I’d gotten out of the way she slipped it in my door and closed it so I didn’t have to wait til sundown to open it.

Every single time she has delivered my mail since then, she has either handed me things through the door or placed it against the door where I can easily get it. Without fail. That first act of kindness nearly made me cry when she did it… and her continued kindness making that effort to help means more to me than I can say. People like her are a big part of what makes me appreciate life the most.

/r/AskReddit Thread