What are you still mad about years later?

Far too late to the party, but w/e. When I was in elementary school, I was decently active, but still slightly heavy set. I played tee-ball and soccer, but this is elementary school we're talking about so not exactly super competitive. We also had this thing right as school was ending called "run club," where you basically went out to the field and ran laps. You got a little piece of paper for each lap you ran, and could add it up over time to receive prizes (like 50 laps, 100 laps etc). The most you could run in a day was a mile (4 laps).

So anyhow, I hadn't really participated in run club, but I was getting made fun of a lot, so I decided I would start going "to show them." So I got really excited and went out onto the field. I was the first one there. I was already done with my first lap when the other kids started showing up, and on my second lap before the school PE coach showed up. I pushed through all 4 laps and did a full mile, which was a lot for me (especially then). When I finished the 4th lap, the PE teacher got out two pieces of paper. I told her I ran 4 laps, and she said I was lying. I started crying and told her I worked really hard to run 4 laps, and she told me the fastest kid out there hadn't even done 4 laps yet, so she was taking both papers back since I didn't deserve them.

In addition to getting beat up by the other kids for crying, I never went back to run club. I dropped baseball and soccer because I didn't want to be around those kids anymore, and officially transitioned from somewhat heavy to the full on fat kid. I never participated in gym or extra curriculars, and ate away all the bullying that I received (which of course didn't help anything). At my heaviest after high school, I was over 350 lb.s and didn't start losing the weight until almost 18 years after that story took place.

There were a lot of factors of course that led to my life as the fat kid, but I really think that particular event and that particular teacher played an absolutely massive role in ruining many of the formative years of my life. I was at a crossroads where I could have backed away from the wrong path I was heading down and had a healthy life, and instead of nurturing that, she helped push me further down that road. This was a particularly pivotal moment, but not unique with her either. Instead of picking up on my problems and helping me, she always wrote me off and considered me a "problem" in her PE class.

I will never forgive her, and I occasionally check on google to see if that bitch has finally died yet.

/r/AskReddit Thread