What do you think augmented reality will be used for?

  1. Automobile locator app. App memorized what parking lot you left your car and takes you there when you walk out of the mall by drawing an arrow on floor just ahead of you and a big golden arrow off on the distance hovers over the car so you see where it is when you look put over the parking lot.

  2. Tourism. You walk into the ancient city of Pompeii and take a VR guided tour that allows you to overlay an image of what the city actually looked like in ancient times. Imagine standing in the ruins of the coliseum and suddenly the coliseum chimes to life complete with rafters and cheering fans as gladiators fight on the sand covered floor. Take a tour of Boston and look out over the harbor and see the sailing ships of old in the harbor. Turn to the Cory and the buildings are gone and in their place the city of Boston as it world have been in 1776.

  3. Go to Gettysburg and stand before an AR Abraham Lincoln and listen to his famous speech them walk down to the hill over looking the clearing and share wine with your wife on a picnic as the battle of the famous battles play out before you. Walk along the corpses strewn about the battle field and see first hand the carnage of war and why we should never allow that again

  4. Direct feed reporting from around the world. Your in your living room and suddenly the VR feed kicks in and your walking alongside a reporter in the field he and his camera man are walking through the streets of Liberia the reporter is not talking to a camera he is giving you a tour. He takes you to the home of a family stricken with the disease so you can see first hand the damage it does and look into the mothers eyes as she tells you how she lost her son and husband and now her daughter is sick. Walk through the hospitals corridors and see the toll on human suffering it takes. Walk with the men in white suits and watch as they lay the 30th body into a communal grave.

  5. New years eve times square 2020. 1.2 million people witness the ball drop live and they are joined by 40 million more that witness it via VR and then spend the next 12 hours jumping from one VR feed to the other to watch the new years celebrations in Hong Kong, Sydney, London and Dubai.

  6. A new form of AR movie called Cinereal but pronounced as a Spaniards would. This is how it works. You live in NYC. You go to central park and you take up a position in a prearranged GPS location. Once there the movie begins. All around you is Central Park but now Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stroll up next to you and start talking. They are quarreling. You follow them a short distance if you want to watch them as they stroll a short way. Suddenly a noise in the distance and down the other end of the park you see them. It's World War Z Cinereal. You watch as from a distance an army of zombies race towards your area . Brad tells Jolie not yo panic and suddenly Schwarzenegger plows into the area in a humvee with a 60 Cal mounted on top and the battle begins. By the time it's over central park lays a waste be of you and the city beyond is on fire and what's that? Holy shit Godzilla just came around the corner and is making his way into the Park.

  7. Networked multiplayer remote control battles. You and a friend go to the beach. You both have headsets on. While the idiots fly kites you and your friend boot up Battle Toys AR. Your menu allows you to choose helicopters, jets, tanks , you name it. Once chosen you map out an area in the air or sand and AR remote control tanks project onto the sand in a big 40 foot square space with scale level cities and you battle it out. Take this idea and open a VR warehouse where these battles take place on even larger scales.

  8. AR pets. To say this is going to be huge is an understatement. Your kids go to Gamestop and buy packs of trading cards. Each pack contains 10 cards each card has a serial number that unlocks that character from your VR pack library. Once unlocked your kid can project him into his world. All kinda of bizarre Pokémon like creatures with special abilities. THEY follow your child around in a persistent manner traveling in the car with him on the way to market. Following him through the food isles. He runs into another kid that has the same VR pet APP and suddenly your kid sees the other kids pet and the two pets face off and the other kids pet challenges your kids but you told him to cut that out unless he's hime so he says sorry and the two pets shrug and walk away.

  9. You walk into the mall and an AR map uses AR floating arrows to walk you to the store to the aisle the product tyou want is located.

  10. News at 10 covers a story about a man who suffers cardiac arrest while in flight back home to LA. It is later discovered he was wearing his AR glasses in flight and watching the latest Cinereal Horror Film called Hijack. From the seat on his plane he watches an AR drama take place that is overlayed in the actual plane he is flying in. The entire drama unfolds with stewardesses asking suspicious questions to AR actors sitting a row in front of yo about the man a row behind you. Suddenly that AR actor jumps up and screams he has a bomb. For the next 10 minutes he witnessed first hand the struggle to detain the bomber and his setting the bomb off which rips a while in the side if the plane and sends it spiraling down to earth. It's too much this guy and he has a heart attack.

  11. NUDEWORLD APP AR. This app is going to sell billions of copies. It does something very simple. This is how it works. You go down to the beach to ride your bike you slip on your AR HMD and engage NUDEWORLD. The camera on the HMD detects all females around you by detecting their shapes and bathing suit and then proceeds to project a nude body model over their bathing suit so it appears to you the viewer as if every woman on the beach has decided to strip naked and walk around showing it all. The faces won't be touched though so you still enjoy the variety.

/r/virtualreality Thread