[Serious] Has anyone dropped everything to follow their passion to realize they actually hate their passion as a career?

I wanted to get into filmmaking, because I thought I wanted a career in artistic stuff, and I already knew I wouldn't cut it as a musician. Ended up with an incomplete Media Arts/Communications degree.

By the time I was done, I was disillusioned with the business and had zero interest in a career in the field. I wrote/directed a student film and hated every minute of it, it doesn't suit me one bit. I do "enjoy" and have a propensity for editing, I've had very good responses on projects I've applied my editing skills in classes compared to most other students.. but don't see myself sticking in the field. I feel so overwhelmed with knowledge I still lack, and saw other students do so much better at knowing/learning the fraction of knowledge that the school could provide.

Maybe I'd do alright with some behind the scenes jobs on set, that suits my personality more. But at this point, I just don't want to get involved. I'm not great at networking, and that seemed to be a big part of finding work.

I also realized how unpleasant the field seems. Cookie-cutter scripts, focus on pleasing the masses, etc. Yeah, some legitimately lovely stuff ends up getting made, but I felt my chances of getting to be involved in something I would actually be interested in was too small to want to try. And really, same with music, I think I just enjoy watching/getting into the small amount of well-made media that I like, and would rather leave it to others to actually create it. Great hobby, not so great job.

I haven't made much progress in my life since then, struggling to find consistent work, but found I do much better in more structured jobs. Clear, consistent procedures and tasks. I'd rather have repetition than the overload and stress of much of the filmmaking process.

/r/AskReddit Thread