Why do white people converts decide to JOIN ISIS and fight for them?

I would like to throw my suggestion in, as to why you observe some white people going and doing things like joining isis, or just generally how you'll notice how it seems to be common for white converts to become pretty extreme at some point. People convert to Islam for varieties of reasons. Love, convenience, looking for sense of purpose, looking for sense of belonging, filling some emotional void, etc. There's another reason people convert - because they read the Quran and for whatever fucking reason, they become convinced it's the truth.

Do an empathy experiment with me for a moment. Imagine yourself in that position - imagine that you have just read the Quran, and are now convinced it is the absolute truth, and to do anything other than say the shahada right then would be a mistake. Really empathize with and imagine that for a moment. Keep going with those thoughts and it's really not difficult to understand how some white converts to go and join isis and fight for them.

  • They believe that they have found some truth (Islam).

  • They believe that Islam makes the assertion that it is the only definitive guide to life.

  • They believe Islam instructs its followers to make Islam the most important thing in their life.

  • They believe this life on earth is temporary, and the life afterwards is all that matters, and that this life is only a test to see how good of a Muslim they are.

  • At this point, they believe it to be the rational decision to be constantly learning about Islam and practicing it.

  • Sadly, at some point they might make the inference that their own innate morals are wrong. They make this inference because they run in to something in Islam that clashes with their own innate morals. Since they believe all of the above statements, and because they've made the conscious decision to devote their life to Islam, the morals of Islam win for them on a logical level. What I mean by this is, I'm not trying to say they immediately squash their own morals or are even capable of it, but they come to the conclusion in their mind, that their morals are wrong,

Now, take a person who has gone through this thought process. Now, imagine that they become convinced of some other truth: that the greatest way they can devote them self to Islam, is by fighting on its behalf.

/r/exmuslim Thread