What is the average entry level salary for an SDE in the bay area?

I'm actually doing a bit of research for a future job hunt so I may be of assistance. In the bay area I'm going to assume you mean all of Silicon Valley and any other area nearby that has a lot of tech jobs.


The salary information was taken from Glassdoor and should be pretty self-explanatory. Average salary is the average you'd make in as a plain-old Software Developer/Engineer and may or may not be representative to what you'd actually get offered. Lowest reported salary is the lowest salary reported and probably isn't representative to what you'd actually get offered, but it's still just good to know.

Company Metro Area Average Salary Lowest Reported Salary
Apple San Jose $110,053 $78,000
Google San Jose $127,900 $80,000
Facebook San Francisco $125,261 $89,000
Netflix San Jose $160,046 $104,000
Twitter San Francisco $127,282 $92,000
Tesla San Jose $113,153 $105,000
LinkedIn San Jose $136,781 $95,000
Salesforce San Francisco $121,801 $100,000
TIBCO San Jose $110,000 $92,000
Adobe San Jose $119,350 $92,000

Cost of Living

This section is what the cost of living is adjusted to relative to where I live now. The average salary change is what my current salary translates to in the area. The average rent was found via RentJungle (or something like that) and the decent on Zillow is the lowest max price I could put into Zillow and still find a decent number of places.

Metro Area Cost of Living ($65k) Average Salary Change Average Rent Decent on Zillow
San Francisco $102,053 $84,591 $3,000 $2,500
San Jose $95,082 $81,764 $2,179 $2,000

So what have I found out so far? Well, I need to make around $100,000 a year to still live comfortably. I currently make $65,000 a year in the Midwest. From what I can tell $100,000 would be a safe bet but it's completely up to that company too. Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Twitter all seem to pay well above that while others are a bit closer to it.

Hope this helps!

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