What classes have the lowest skill cap?

BM and MM are forgiving and easy to master.

Rotation for BM is: AMoC, AotW, Bestial Wrath, Dire Beast, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, KC, CS, KC, CS. Repeat KC and CS until one of the other cds are up. As simple as this is you'll want to keep in mind that you'll need to time your cds and wait for focus so you're maximizing your BW time. DB will lower the CD of BW so hitting DB over KC/CS would be ideal so you're uptime on BW is higher. Timing your cds is incredibly important as well as not using all your focus. Knowing the boss fights will be key to maximising BM damage and dps overall. Multi shot in fights with +4 adds.

Rotation for MM is: Windburst, trueshot, barrage, aimed shot, AS, AS, marked shot, AS, AS, marked shot, sidewinders, AS, AS, AS, barrage, WB. This is mostly for single target but in EN the amount of adds is staggering so you're rotation is subject to change based on what skills are available, your focus, and amount of adds. The single target rotation is fine in most fights aside from Ilg.

For both specs it's perfectly OK to wait for focus to buildup and a few seconds to line up cds or gain enough focus to burst an add down.

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