What cooking hill will you totally die on?

It’s literally gastronomically a requirement. I need to watch my blood pressure, and so cutting back on salt is needed. But it’s impossible to cook (especially tasty food) without salt.

Basically, it opens the taste buds up to tasting tons of more flavors you wouldn’t be able to without it.

I took a Coursera course on gastronomy a few years ago, and they had you basically take some regular ordinary boring foods and sweet things. Then sprinkle course salt on top, and it was gamechanging.

Salt on grapefruit? Cuts down the tastiness a little and far more delicious without needing to pour tons of sugar on it.

Chocolate covered marshmallows are typically boring and deceiving. Lightly melt the top with a lighter or something, then sprinkle some course sea salt on top. Boom - instant gourmet treat.

Caramels to me were boring crappy candies. But once it’s basically all sea salt + caramel now, it’s a different level.

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