Tell us something shitty your ex did.

Left me for a different guy then came running back I take her back then she fks me over again and again till I'm totally mentally fucked and weeping on the floor. When I was always dedicated to her and only her she was fancying a guy way older than her and when I asked her about it she told me 'not to worry about it' typical sh1t with the guy she tells you not to worry about. After the relationship she told me she always had a thing for him and would like to 'get to know him' and we all know what that means.. then after the break up she constantly told me she used me for sex... while I was the only emotional support there for her. Like she used me and took my fkinh soul threw me around as she pleased. No way no more.. low quality women in my life..

/r/BreakUps Thread