What is the creepiest thing to happen in the history of Reddit?

My company is fairly large and we have offices all across the US. Anyways I work in our FL office and I do a ton of work with our offices in other states. Well our company has our picture in our IM screens so people know what you look like. Something to do with making it easier to work with them. I was working with one of the women in WI and it was basically small talk but generally work related. As we did a lot of projects with the group in WI. She asks me for my phone # and I didn't think anything of it. Thinking well we have deadlines and on occasion we aren't in the office to go over projects that are due. She calls me one night to go over a project and try and get the thing done. It's all normal until about the time we are wrapping the work up. She says, 'You know you are really sexy in your IM picture. I'm thinking about making it my background on my computer.' I was thinking she's joking and brush it off.

The following weeks I would get texts from her saying all kinds of weird stuff and she would leave voice recordings of her moaning. Listen I have a wife and 3 kids. I honestly don't have time for a crush. At this point I'm not saying well let's get her firedamd report it to HR. I call her and say she needs to cool it. That I can't have her doing these messages and one of my kids or wife read what she wrote. She plays the I'm just so lonely card and it's really hard to meet guys. Blah, blah.

2 days later our project is presented and I'm thinking ok now we're done this is the only time I'll have to work with her. If any other projects come up and she's on the list I'll just take the next one. Project over so we're done right. Wrong.... 2 days later I'm making dinner for my kids and the doorbell rings. Thinking its a solicitor I go to tell him I'm not interested. Open the door and guess who's standing there. She drove from Green Bay, Wisconsin to Jacksonville, FL. And had never met me once. First thing she says, 'You are way sexier in person than your IM picture.' Here I am making spaghetti for the kids and this woman drives 16 hours to my door and uses the company system to get my address. The fuck is wrong with people.

TL/DR: Stalker drove from Wisconsin to my house in Florida.

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