What is the creepiest thing to happen in the history of Reddit?

I could post just a slew of crazed stuff that happened to me for real in /nosleep and nobody would believe it, not even on there. :D Got bored, drunk, and into a technical discussion on usenets A.S.H., find out 8-10 years later that a kludge I dreamed up was now one of the most popular suicide methods in asia (haibachicide, seriously, who the f**k is so low rent they would even try that), and stateside, someones nutty mother was trying to track down surviving members of the A.S.H. group(yeah, good luck, it's a suicide discussion group, probably 90% "checked out") and make them pay.

Only problem, I was kinda twitchy from the new Parkinson's meds, and start hunting this crazy woman down online, and figuring out how to bump her off, before she gets me. No worries, they gave me some extra happy pills, and I'm much better now! ;P

And of course, it only gets worse from there. I could run down maybe 3-4 cases of people I knew personally who were involved in murder-suicides.

Then all the places where I visited on a whim, and had horrible things happen shortly after I visited, or just crazy, surreal stuff. Granted, the November hurricane in Florida was kinda fun, just grazed enough for some sideways rain and crazy waves. But visiting that post office before the anthrax incident, and a week after(whole place REEKED of chlorine), that was kinda, ug, this is getting too crazy.

Plus all the various people my mother knew, who just kinda up and died. She claims she killed them with her mind. lol! No matter, she's on enough bipolar meds to stun a rhino now, and of course, she claims all those people were really bad people. Or at least, really annoying. Oh tay!!

And from there, it just gets worse and worse.

So, there are IRL parallels to /nosleep , but generally, they're just so damned depressing, surreal, or will drive you to drinking.

Like the sanitarium one. I've visited enough people who worked in them, or visited people who were staying in them. I could have done one that was dozens of times worse. Schizo chick who was molested continuously growing up, but she didn't care. Biggest problem she had was she couldn't quit smoking, and it was destroying her organs due to medication interaction. You could tell most of what she did was expected "acting out" because she was playing a role to maintain her disability, and maybe get bumped to another group home. As far as friends/relatives, nope, they checked out of her life, the "system" was the only family she had.

Another one, "Tony", interesting guy, tended to be locked into a manic state most of the time, although they still call it bipolar. Managed to go a month without sleeping, nobody is sure why he isn't dead. While up that long, he managed to write out the ultimate theory of "everything". You can kinda see the faint traceries of how he got there, but if you thought on it, probably the sensation of being omniscient would've been the real kick. And after that, how could you stand being back to "normal" human mode? Dunno, they gave em some serious sedatives. Actually saw him snooze for a couple hours.

The head trauma ones, at a different location, and this girl with huntington's just too depressing to print.

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