What day did Jesus rise from the dead?

Mate, it was Monday for sure. I will never forget that hangover. We partied massively from Thursday afternoon to Saturday evening non-stop. Then we were dead during the Sunday and on Monday we had to go to work. I had such a hedache that i saw God smiling at me from behind the heaven's gate with every step. Anyway, God then said that if Jesus misses his shift he'll turn all alcohol into water. I never wanted to drink ever again anyway. But then, just in case, i decided to go check up on Jesus. And sure enough, he was still passed out in the cave where i saw him last time (i think that we went to take a piss inside the cave). So i try to wake him up. Nothing. That dude still had more alcohol in him than blood. It was literally a miracle that he was still alive. I called some mates and we managed to carry him out of the cave and get some chicken soup in him. Then we threw him over a donkey and our least drunk mate drove us to work. Jesus was stationed in a security booth so we seated him in there. I have no idea what happened next. I somehow suffered through the week and on Thursday we partied again. Considering the fact that alcohol still existed, Jesus did his job and God was happy. Anyway, it was Monday for sure.

/r/askanatheist Thread