What did I ever do to deserve all of this?

I know this is no help, but reading your story made me feel better... I just made a post if you want to read, keep in mind this is only a fraction of my story.

I need answers. I went out for lunch with some friends today and we drove around and stuff for a few hours then I had to come back home to get my work shirt and my parents got hella mad and started yelling at me because I didn't come back earlier or whatever even tho they didn't give me a time when my stepmom when outside my dad was getting in my face, trying to fight and he slapped me and grabbed me by the throat. I just starred at him cause he really doesn't scare me but it made me think of all the time I begged him to stop and he'd keep hitting me, or start hitting for the stupidest reasons. They treat me like trash anyways I cant do fuck all. I'm 16 now and looking back at the shit hes done makes me so angry, but for some reason I still feel too bad to tell him off or just lay him out. Why? Also I did get to go out with my friends today but they say no all the time. For example I told them at supper yesterday that I had been getting rides home from school from some friends recently

/r/abuse Thread