What does Customer Support Actually do?

I'm not excusing poor customer support/service, but you had a bit of a 'tude going on. That's a good way to ensure that your case is ignored/bumped down, either to be forgotten or to be dealt with at a later date, when they have less stuff to deal with/the customer has had time to cool down. I don't think that the devs are connected to the customer support, either.

It's easy to lose a sense of scale when you're used to being around such large creatures/structures- is it possible that the others were out of aggro range? As none of your other creatures were reacting, it sounds as if there might have been lag or latency involved- what were their levels and what was your ping? I've had my huge (Giga, Bronto, Gollem, etc) creatures die to smaller ones after getting caught in a node, like drift wood or a tiny palm tree- what's the environment like where this happened?

You left a lot of information out and you didn't seem to take him up on his offer to get the engineers involved. I think there's something to be learned from this.

/r/playark Thread