All my xxFx friends are getting mad at me for debating

1) Learn how to discuss, not argue. A lot of people are willing to expand on what they think if they don't feel like you're attacking them for their opinion. Also, a lot of the time people misinterpret aggressive Ti-probing as a form of trying to forcibly convert them to your opinion (provided that isn't actually what you're trying to do), which can be incredibly off-putting. Be calm, be aware of how you phrase your arguments, and let them know in advance that you're feeling them out, not putting them down. There's nothing wrong with playing devil's advocate, just be respectful about it.

2) Learn that a lot of Feelers (be it Fi/Te or Fe/Ti) operate to their own internal logic, just like ENTPs - they might just have more trouble expressing it. Just because it's tied to personal beliefs or feelings doesn't necessarily equate that they're incapable of rationalizing said beliefs or feelings about it. It might just be their go-to explanation for that subject. If you're being too aggressive however, they might shut down on elaborating on it further and instead focus on going on the defensive about what they feel.

3) Learn to pick your battles. Some people just don't like debating about certain subjects, or debates period. Or maybe you just come on too strong or are too focused on winning the debate when you do. Learn to pick the right approach and/or the right people, and you're golden.

/r/entp Thread