Wild Dino AI is something I hope they improve

I feel your pain OP. AI is costly and somewhat time consuming to develop. So, little baby Wildcard will not be able to pull it off (all molehills become unsurpassable mountains with WC). But its not even on their radar dude. Also, the game isn't done and they know it, but they don't care because they are going to be updating it periodically anyways. Stieglitz stated they want to release at least 2 more paid DLC this year. So they are just putting a bow on the fucker as it is and tossing it on shelves. Their mentality is literally "Eh, fuck it, we can just patch it later."

Also I love how everyone wants to try and interject their ridiculous opinions about when and how and in what order this would be implemented into the game even while the issues they present already have fixes coming. "Duhhhh I dun think is biggest prority, hurrrrr duhhhhh cuz lag and da streemer guy duping hurdyrrrrrr" God forbid the fundamentals of the game were actually GOOD. Not just barely acceptable, but fucking GOOD.

/r/playark Thread