What's with the trend of new cool tames not being breed able?

It seems like every issue pve and singleplayer suffers is due to pvp balance. They give us cool engrams like the narc trap but it's useless, the solution to leeds being honey becomes useless in singleplayer so you just can't travel by boat anymore, it's near impossible to play on scorched as a solo player in singleplayer so they make the exclusive creatures mod addable and everyone says that it makes the dlc purchase useless, the mind wipe change destroys pve, the flyer nerf, creatures like the troodon with no use in pve/singleplayer, the saddle nerfs, gun nerf, armor nerf. The list goes on. I thought back when survival of the fittest came out pve would finally get a home and it began to before the community started meming that wildcard only cares about singleplayer. The bosses in singleplayer aren't really even feasible without console commands because bp's are set up for trading for pvp. I don't mean to complain but it really feels like the game doesn't like my preferred way to play. I got the game for its singleplayer but it feels like a glorified tutorial that gets the devs backlash when they show it any attention whatsoever. It's like a paradox, we all know pve and singleplayer feel tacked on but at any time improvements are made everyone screams that pvp is being ignored for the game modes that are " worthless".

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