What does "flow" in PvP mean to you?

If this is combat arms we're talking about with the 6v6 then sparrow movement / sniping, scout range is an alternative that can be easily explored.

There are certain hotspots on everymap where the heat of engagement is more common than others, in every game it may not be the same situation but with increased movement speed on both sides this is less of an issue as an arena game, destiny is perhaps well known for its cqb heavily favored maps, very few mid distance maps are popular in rotation, not since early y1 and the beta.

Knowing spawn points means knowing where the enemie is faster, your line of sight is much more important than physical proximity for a kill in this game.

Even in 3v3 its not so much of an issue, lets not also forgot the long range radar we have.

I've spent like a a combined month of time in the crucible and I've never had this as a consistant issue.

With games like control in particular the map is always weighted around these anchor points, and as a clash main, map positioning often means that they come to me and not vice versa.

Feel free to disagree, but I'm telling you, if you take into account these factors, especially team mate positioning in comparison to your own, this is a non-issue in this game.

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