What does your champion teach you? / What makes you good at the champion?

Shaco, because I have issues getting solo kills early game at my low elo. Most my ganks end in "I don't want ganks" or "Sorry wasn't paying attention." I was playing Voli with a 78% winrate and most played champion! It works but very very boring. With him I could flip them into my teammates giving them more reaction time. Shaco I can just secure and get them myself. I can also take towers and setup many jukes. I personally am great at baiting.

At first I went 1-5 in ranked, because I didn't know how to farm. Now I started going hydra and my winrate went from 16% to I believe around 55% with him, essentially winning like 70-80% of my games since I realized you need Hydra.

It taught me how to properly zone, and vision control immensely. Because of the setups he requires I now think about fog of war much more heavily than ever before. I also now focus on specific plays that win games, rather than getting fed and trying to solo carry. I've had off games with him where I just juke and trick, out of like 15 games I had about 4-5 where I solo took the final towers and won nexus before they could react due to poor positioning and both teams just playing TDM.

Also taught me enemy jungle pathing, because as Shaco counterganking is so easy now I know almost exactly within a one camp range, where enemy will be. They start their bot side, I start my top side. Take my buff and toad almost instantly without a leash, then go to his. In which I have smite still because I don't even need smite for buff/toad. Then I steal his red or I get a kill off enemy jungler and still get his buff. Or I push him to recall and steal all his camps.

/r/summonerschool Thread