What you think guys?

Thanks for your personal anecdote on the subject; I'd love to learn more and even teach more about this life endangering habit as to dilute the vast turmoil it can cause on myself and others directly afflicted by its use recreationaly, spiritually and medicinally. Talking to you specifically since you have the first hand experiences in multiple eras of specifical cocaine use using this forum for general public knowledge, or more personal use and knowledge via PM's.

There is only one disagreement with what you are saying, coming from someone with less actual drug use history and more medically background oriented. Still tried and tested methods--about 3 years compared to your exponentually greater 30--that aren't purely theoretical in medicine, but have been tested on myself and friends alike for simple fun, not as medically intended or even intentionally at all but including accidental highs and how it will adversely effects the body. I.e. being date rape, not that we've tried this, however it has been dealt with through other's malintent and is also considered here.

Take this argument with a grain of salt, hell I'm skiing right now which is what brought me here. I personally have much more knowledge in the human body than I do with the knowledge of psychoactive drugs use like cocaine. I'm here to learn, not start a fight over what quality is where it is and whatnot, but rather keep myself and others safe, always growing with healing and regeneration versus decompossing and death. Personally I have struggled with what is believed to be congenital psychosis, and now I treat/test my levels of psychosis and understanding of recognising how and when I get to psychotic stages.

Anyways enough about me, more about drugs while I'm still high and still collected in my hyperactive psychosis.

Cocaine and functions of the body, let's say specifically sex life because that's the biggest topic of the three you listed, because it effects most universal cases, universally excepted as in everyone likes sex in some way or else there is serious dysfunction in the body. Chiefly, this is shown in a lack of digestion or any circadian rhythms due to activation of the encompassing sexual intention.

The statement/rule with coinciding exceptions: Cocaine CAN stimulate the psychoactive effects of sex (spiritual connection to the bodies in action) BUT has a NEGATIVE direct effect on the shape of the blood vessels (The artieries and veins pumping blood to the genitals regardless of sex, mucb more noticeable in males however as the organs are much more superficial and external in perspective of the entire body) through vasodilation and vasoconstriction of the vessels and blood cells. Simply put the body dispatches kinetic energy and momentum through sheer force of the tool, if the tool is less efficient in use it depends more on the psychoactive disillusion of everything is awesome sex is awesome, I'm doing awesome. With the reality being the psychoactive effects improve the experience for both parties invovolved but the actual performance of the tools used is less efficient by a large scale.

Tl;dr is coke dick not caused by pure cocaine whether it's made in Columbia or anywhere else's, fishscale 85% purity on up, has shrinking or constricting effect on a male or female genitalia?

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