Could use a friend

You’ll be okay bud. Just get rid of your supply (throw away, don’t use the rest) and tell yourself this is a game now. You just have no other option than winning, but it’s still a fun game. See if you’re stronger, ya know? You have to be stronger because you obviously want to be. So win. It’s not easy, but oh well. What is not hard in life that is important? You just now have a challenge that you will conquer. You WILL. But also know that your thoughts right now are fleeting. It’s the universe taunting you. Fuck that. You’re stronger. I’m in a hole that I haven’t climbed out of yet too. So I’m right beside you homie. I’m playing the same game you are and with everyone together, no way we will fail.

I mean, my feet stink from the late nights and abnormal sweating. Who the hell wants stinky feet? Not me. No fucking way. I like feet that smell good. See the tricks our opponent uses? Stinky feet....we can play more effective tricks because we are smarter. We can just not do this drug. It’s not even a problem for us if we decide that its not a problem. And guess what? That’s exactly what we will do. No way we fail. Too strong, too good looking, feet are too important to stink and people are waiting for us to enter their life without this on our shoulders. So let’s do it for them, ya? Yeah...we got this.

Okay. High rant done. Good luck and reach out if you need. I’m honestly just as deep in this hole and probably deeper. But I have no doubt at all that we will win.

/r/cocaine Thread Parent