Using about half a year now, any similar experiences?

Went to rehab for 90 days got cleaned up. But I went right back to the booze 5 days later. But just having the clean time broke the habit or say routine that I had become so familiar with for years by doing the same thing every day and by having the drugs and booze in the hobbit for so long that it was jist what I did it wasn't for parties or socializing it was just part of me. So I noticed that by having some time to break out of that habit that when I went back to it I was able to drink normally again and not need it or think about it all the time. It was the highlight of my day before only thing to look forward to jist feeling happy it's ypur best buddy. So yea my experience. Been out of rehab for 2 years and never touched opiates againg and just casual drinking.

/r/cocaine Thread