What if Project M was a crazy ex-girlfriend?

Attention from NINTENDO isn't what I'm talking about per say. Nintendo has thrown a bunch of money at one tournament so far, and given us setups. That's it. Oh, and they also tweeted about us once. If anything they've been more adversarial than anything, ignoring the competitive community of their games for over 13 years as we grew and only sweeping in to invest in us when they see a potential profit for their new game. I honestly have no idea where this idea that Nintendo is responsible for the platinum era came from. The smash documentary and Melee's inclusion at Evo were two of the biggest catalyzing factors, one of which Nintendo had nothing to do with and the other they actively tried to quash. What's laid the foundation for both of these developments for melee was the dedicated, high quality stream, and the national tournaments they broadcasted, which snagged reputable sponsors and which showcased the game being played at its highest level with smart, insightful commentary and high production values.The idea that any smash game can experience growth anywhere near its counterparts without that sort of visibility is ridiculous. Can you imagine if someone suggested that Smash 4 would be just fine going grassroots and that it didn't need to have a spot at national tournaments or on the biggest smash streams? People would be losing their shit about how these decisions were killing their game. Yet that's basically what's going on here. In exchange for Nintendo's help (which, like I mentioned, has been lackluster thus far and vastly over-hyped imo) the major streamers and TOs of the smash community have agreed to give one of the biggest and most beloved games in the smash series the silent treatment. It's selling out. And I'm not saying that excluding PM is hurting the community, I'm saying that the exclusion of PM means that the community is fundamentally different than the creature rhetoric around it suggests. We're not the /#oneunit, we're the /#oneunitifyou'remeleeorsm4sh. Which is fine, I just wish people were honest about it.

/r/smashbros Thread Link - youtube.com