What is the largest group of people you have been naked in front of? How did you find yourself in that situation?

Fresh out of high school, was working this local handy man laborer job - ran by a really nice guy, his son, and my best friend.

During that summer, one day after a long days work we were in the back drinking some beer - and man was it hot. One of those 100 degree days where it stays hot all night. We made the best of it we could, but there was no denying -we were miserable.

The garage we were drinking was in an alley that ran between streets, which gave us a good view into a few neighbors backyards. I don't know whose idea it was... but one of us saw they had a pool.

It was late by this time, almost 1am on a week day - we figured we could just sneak over there, take a quick dip for 20-30 minutes - then get out. As long as we didn't make too much noise, what's the worst that could happen?

The downside was, none of us wanted to get our clothes wet. And since it was pitch dark anyway, no moon, we just stripped down naked and hopped the fence. Our plan went without a hitch - we were in that pool in no time, and fairly quietly too.

Not going to lie, I initially thought this was a good idea but it ended up being kind of weird - being alone in a pool with 3 other naked guys. Even if it did feel awesome, that cold water.

We weren't in there for even 5 minutes when my best friend was trying to push off the side of the pool and it made this huge bubble sound - an above ground pool - so when he kicked off it bulged out the side making this huge sound - sending dogs inside barking and going nuts. We were like oh shit oh shit.

Within moments the porch light was on - the guy opened his door and walked out onto his deck, we all ducked down beneath the water hoping to hold out.

I held my breath as long as I could - and before I had to come back up for air I could hear yelling. I pop up - and there's about 30 people on this guy's deck, and that guy is yelling at all of us like "WTF ARE YOU DOING IN MY POOL? ARE YOU FUCKING NAKED? ARE YOU FUCKING NAKED IN MY POOL????"

Apparently this guy was having some kind of weird party - I have no idea what all those people were doing in his house at 1am on a weeknight with no music or alcoholic beverages - but there they were, and they were pissed.

They demanded we get out of the pool or they were going to call the police. They had us dead to rights, so one by one we did the walk of shame to the fence and hopped over - the entire time they sat and stared at us like... you fucking morons wtf.

It was horrible. I'll never forget how painfully awkward it was climbing up the ladder out of the pool right in front of these people. They didn't even budge. I think their reaction was more WTF than what we were doing by a long shot - but ya know, whatever.

Luckily they didn't call the police - I would have hated having to justify my actions to a police officer, like jeez that would have been awful.

TL:DR Skinny dipped into a neighbors pool, made a sound and dogs went nuts inside leading to the owner coming out - apparently he was throwing some kind of party, shamed us all out of the pool buck naked in front of all his guests.

/r/AskReddit Thread