What was the last straw before surgery?

In 2015, a nurse practicioner told me my dramatic changes involving my menstrual cycle was because I was too fat for my birth control to work properly. Stopped taking it. Lost roughly 50 pounds on my own but still remained at a bigger size. Period problems come back but worse, start feeling very sick. Afraid of just being called fat I put off going to the doctor until things escalated and if I waited I was afraid I would honestly end up dying.

Spent hours looking at in-network doctors. Found one who was, in photograph, a larger individual. Felt maybe they would listen. Go in, he's in much better shape but he talks about his journey. Get sent to a bunch of specialists, find out I have been basically entering stage 1 uterine cancer because all those brushed off warning signs were probably markers of hyperplasia. Also find out I have an undefined metabolic disorder and something going on with my blood that have been playing roles in my weight.

My body has always felt like a prison, that no matter what I did, no matter how many macros I counted, strict CICO within a specific window or going to the gym and staying active it barely ever did anything. Turns out I have the genetic lottery of horseshit and my whole medical team thinks WLS could be very transformative and help push closer to finding answers about the remaining concerns.

/r/BariatricSurgery Thread