what is the most depraved/fucked up movie you've ever watched?

You were the one who responded to my post. If you make an accusation about me, I should be allowed to respond.

You come onto this sub and get downvoted to hell on a regular basis, you troll on people on a regular basis, and the guy who you think who made an alt to trash you is the guy who has used his main to call out your toxic behavior on multiple occasions? Like I said, I dont need an alt.

I know online communities are online, but they are things people care about, and I enjoy this community. And to be honest, you have good things to say from time to time that add value to the community. But the trolly behavior is obnoxious.

With that being said, you are free to block me if you wish, but when people act in such a way that undermines the wellbeing of the sub, I will say something...on my main account.

/r/Letterboxd Thread Parent