Why I don't like socializing and why it isn't about not liking people

I can relate to all of these, except I’m not sure if I experience 4. I’d like to add that I am a closed off person. I can be very apathetic towards socializing depending on who I am around. We at least have to be able to click or they have to be fine with me not talking to them every day. Though it looks like I’m probably in the minority here of not being able to enjoy small talk. There’s only so much of “how are you?” and “what have you been up to?” that I can take before it starts to drive me crazy. People don’t always want to hear the truth.

If I can’t trust someone enough to fully open up, can’t relate with their experiences, don’t have much in common with them and can’t get beyond surface level talk like that, then I won’t interact with them if I don’t have to. For me it’s not that I forget to socialize, I just don’t want or have the urge to, especially not with the super nosy types. I also don’t miss or get attached to people anymore.

/r/Schizoid Thread