What is the most depressing truth that you've had to accept?

I was going to say, coming from the other side of this. I hate being roped into things where someone will do nice stuff for you that you didn't ask for and didn't want. Then they feel like you are indebted to them. So if I am invited to someones place for dinner and I dont want to go, you can be sure I wont reciprocate because i'm not interested in this becoming a thing that we do regularly. Other stuff like catching up with people you haven't seen in a while. I hate that type of thing because it feels like my life is being nibbled away a weekend at a time doing things you 'should' do rather than things you want to do.

It's not just one sided, I am also very against having other people feel chained by obligation to me too. If I 'lend' money, in my mind it is a gift and I will never ask for it back or care if its not returned. If i'm giving someone money i'd much prefer to do it anonymously. If I do nice things for other people it really is an isolated event, I dont expect anything in return. I hate the idea of having a hold over someone as much as I hate the idea of someone having a hold over me.

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