What movie can you not stand, or refuse to see, because of unbearable inaccuracies?

Like it would need stroking. It's made by american's about an american, there is no code to force screenwriter to take in to account everyone else and fallow the true events, they make the movie, they have the money to make it, nobody cares about facts... which always happens in a movie based on true events, something is always changed and someone is always angry. I don't watch US movies and think "this actually happened", I think "something remotely like this maybe happened", you are never going to get accuracy, never, so might as well accept it now.

Person from US is always the hero because they are making the damn movie, they paid for it, they made it, they don't own anyone shit, screenplay cuts out characters and plot lines to make it easier to understand, this isn't even about people purposefully stealing credit, it's about making a good movie out of something that isn't meant to be a movie: real life. For some ridiculous reason you think that US is making some kind of statement by making this movie, it's fucking entertainment, nobody cares, it was made by a movie studio and starred famous people because everyone knows they're names, it's business, nobody cares about statements or history, it has to be easy to understand, exciting and make money.

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